Tips of use - NUOVESSENZE

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Tips of use

YOUTY > Skin Juven

The classic way to enjoy SKIN JUVEN is to dissolve the content of one stick pack in 150-200 ml of water.

But during the day, there are many opportunities to enjoy your SKIN JUVEN BEAUTY COCKTAIL.
Here are some tips:

8:00 a.m. - MORNING ENERGY
Wake up with BREAKFAST MIX: a stick pack of SKIN JUVEN in fruit juice, a smoothie or vegetable juice
10:30 a.m. - SNACK TIME
Try WHITE DREAM, a stick pack of SKIN JUVEN diluted in a low-fat or whole plain yogurt
SKIN JUVEN ON THE ROCKS, diluted in a glass of water, with two ice cubes and two leaves of fresh mint.
5:00 p.m. - TEA TIME
With YOUTEA TIME, add flavor and benefits to your cup of green or black tea. A stick pack of SKIN JUVEN diluted in cup of cold tea makes a refreshing and healthy beverage. SKIN JUVEN must be added to cold beverages.
7:30 p.m. - HAPPY HOUR
SUNSET SURPRISE can be your favorite drink. Prepare your drink with half a glass of water, a stick pack of SKIN JUVEN, and a drop of rum, vodka, bitter Campari or prosecco.
10:30 p.m. - RELAXATION TIME
Get ready for a relaxing sleep with GOOD NIGHT, simply add a stick pack of SKIN JUVEN to a cup of cold chamomile herbal tea.
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