Skin and Hyaluronic Acid - NUOVESSENZE

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Skin and Hyaluronic Acid

YOUTY > Elixir de Jeunesse

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a carbohydrate, more specifically, a high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide occurring naturally throughout the human body. The structure of hyaluronic acid is built from a combination  of Glucoronic acid and N-Acetylglucosamine.

Hyaluronic Acid is naturally produced by our body to moisturize and protect the tissues. Its greatest concentrations is found in the skin, and is one of the major components of the skin’s extracellular matrix. This plays a vital role in metabolic processes such as cell interaction and synthesis. One of its most important properties is its ability to bind water molecules up to 1000 times its weight. Along with water and protein complexes, it acts as a filler between the spaces of a fiber network consisting mostly of collagen and elastin beneath the surface of the skin.

Besides its function to bind and retain water, hyaluronic acid is also responsible for transporting essential nutrients from the bloodstream to the skin via the capillary network. Hyaluronic acid helps to keep young skin smooth and healthy, but over time, free radical production destroys the hyaluronic acid reserves and leads to skin aging. By the time we reach our 50th birthday, we've already lost close to half of the hyaluronic acid that we had in our youth. Replenishing the skin with hyaluronic acid can help facilitate healing, repair, and antioxidant capacity.

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